Freelance Work

Illustration, Analog Xerox, Photo-Collage, Printmaking

The xerox’d, crude, handdrawn posters of U.S. hardcore punk in the 80’s are what initially piqued my interest with graphic design as a teenager. Things you might see in Bryan Ray Turcotte and Christopher T. Miller‘s elusive collection, “Fucked Up + Photocopied” (1999). Music also provided me the means to cut my teeth on my first explorations into art and design, by producing art for my own bands, bootlegging t-shirts, or creating fanzines.

Since 2019, I’ve been lucky to have produced artwork for many bands I’ve become associated with whether it be for flyers, album art, or t-shirt designs. Here is a collection of the work I’ve produced and continue to produce for bands mostly within the hardcore punk and extreme music corners of DIY music.